2023 Wellbeing calendar



Wellbeing reset

It’s OK, in fact, it’s often necessary to put yourself first. Create a self-care plan to help prioritize your wellbeing and refresh your state of mind.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 24th: International day of education

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Aging well

Stay happy and healthy even as the birthday milestones roll by. Follow our tips and achieve optimum vitality.

Heartbeat newsletter

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Associated trainings (additional fees):



Supporting others through life's challenges.

Whether a significant loss, a mental health concern, or a physical health issue, it's natural to want to help those around you. Discover ways to be supportive of others, while respecting your own limits.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 1st: Zero discrimination day
  • 8th: International women's day
  • 12 – 18th: Sleep awareness week
  • 20th: International day of happiness

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Master your money mindset.

Financial wellbeing is not necessarily about having more money. Rather, it’s about having a healthy relationship with money. Discover the ways you think about money and learn how you can improve your financial fitness.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 2nd: World autism awareness day
  • 7th: World health day
  • 22nd: Earth day
  • 28th: World day for safety and health at work
  • Stress awareness month

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Anxiety: when it's more than ordinary worry.

Everyone experiences fear and worry at times. But when the anxiety is persistent or extreme, it's time to address it.

Heartbeat newsletter

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Making the world a better place.

With all that's happening around the globe, what can you do to slow down, think positively, and make your corner of the world a better place?

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 5th: World environment day
  • 19th: Juneteenth
  • Pride month

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Preparedness game plan.

Life can throw some curveballs your way. Help ease your mind by having a plan for many of life's events.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 24th: International self-care day

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Happiness on the daily.

Why not make positivity a habit? You have nothing to lose but your gloom.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 9th: International day of the world’s indigenous peoples
  • 31st: International overdose awareness day

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Brighten the future of a child.

Nurturing children’s mental health lays the foundation of their wellbeing as they grow to adulthood. Find out how to offer the best support to the important young people in your life.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • Recovery month
  • 10th: World suicide prevention day

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):




Beyond sadness

Sadness is a natural human emotion brought on by a sorrowful event. But when the feelings persist, you may be experiencing depression. 

Heartbeat newsletter

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Navigating difficult relationships.

Find out how to work toward peace, harmony, and good relationships. Spoiler alert - it might involve giving up trying to win every argument.

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 16th: International day for tolerance
  • Movember month – men's physical and mental health

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):



Finding your purpose.

Have you tried weighing up your options only to find that the possibilities are either too daunting or too limited? Check out these ideas to help you focus and start working towards your best life. 

Heartbeat newsletter

  • 3rd: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Free training:

Associated trainings (additional fees):